I am wearing quite a number of hats these days. There are the usual ones; wife, mom. Then the work one, that which pays the bills. And the writer hat which I put on sometimes more than others. And I have recently added the jewelry designer and small business owner hat(s) to the mix. Yikes!
That's a lot of hats. A lot of different things demanding my attention in this world. What would be great is if I could combine them all seamlessly. A jester's motley cap would be ideal.
How does all this work, I wonder? There are only so many hours in the day and sleep and eating should be figured in there somewhere. I feel like I am not doing any of these jobs very well. I generally have this constant feeling of flying by the seat of my motley pants.
This past November I participated in NaNoWriMo but didn't make nearly the 50K by the end of the month. Jewelry making pretty much didn't happen since I was focused on writing. Enter the paying job.
Am I being overambitious wanting to write to one day be published and have a business making jewelry? Should I pick one and leave the other one to the wayside? That doesn't feel exactly right. How can I be just Jewelry Designer or just Writer? Surely I can do both. Or am I just being greedy?
Well, if nothing else, the sight of me in a fool's cap might just make me laugh. That's something.